 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Duschl-Graw
 Am Schloßpark 4,  15848 Tauche-Giesensdorf, Germany
 Leibnizstraße 44,  10629 Berlin, Germany
 Phone: +49 (0)30 - 30612355 und +49 (0)171 - 1981346, FAX: +49 (0)30 - 30612356
  e-mail: Georg@Ingenieurbuero-Duschl.de

Legal information/Contact

Responsible in the sense of the press right: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Duschl-Graw

Job title: Dr. - engineer electrical engineering

You can reach us under the address designated above !

Tax.-No. 061/214/03887

FA Frankfurt (Oder)

Despite careful examination of the contents of our website I cannot guarantee for the correctness of all contents of the available sides. I do not take responsibility for the contents of external links !

More Information:

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